MP3 Cutter Plus is a fast and free MP3 splitter to easily select and save fragments of your MP3 files without any re-encoding, preserving the original quality and bit rate of the source file. Its straightforward functionality allows any user to easily open a file, select the starting and end cutting points, and save the selection in their system.
With its intuitive interface, simplicity is one of the main assets of this free application. Files need to be opened one at a time, allowing you to create as many small pieces of the same source file as wished. The starting and end cutting points can be selected interactively while listening to the track or by setting the exact points in time where you want the output file to begin and end. Therefore, this is a very useful tool to split long MP3 files, so that you can listen to them in small MP3 devices. It is equally useful to create your own ring tones out of existing MP3 audio files.
There is no re-encoding process involved, so the final result will have the exact same bit rate as the original file, with no loss of quality whatsoever.
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